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Top Murfreesboro Autounfall Anwälte - Tennessee

Calhoun Law PLC mit Sitz in Nashville, Tennessee, bietet Kunden in unserer Region, die eine Verletzung erlitten oder einen geliebten Menschen bei der Arbeit oder aufgrund von Nachlässigkeit oder Fehlverhalten eines anderen verloren haben, außergewöhnliche Interessenvertretung und Unterstützung. Neben dem Gesetz über Personenschäden, Arbeitnehmerentschädigungen und Behinderungen der sozialen Sicherheit bietet unsere Anwaltskanzlei auch unübertroffene ...

Established in 1995, the law firm of Bragdon & Bragdon in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, has provided much-needed advocacy and support to plaintiff personal injury clients across our state for more than 24 years. During that time, we have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and award for those we have served, and we will do all we can to increase your chances of obtaining the maximum amount...

At Witherington Law, PLLC, in Nashville, Tennessee, we are fully committed to helping you obtain the finances you need to support yourself and your family after suffering a debilitating injury or devastating loss caused by someone else's negligence or wrongdoing. Handling all types of personal injury and wrongful death claims, attorney Patrick Witherington has achieved notable success...

Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: personal injury, civil litigation, workers compensation, criminal defense, employment law, automobile accidents and injuries, work injuries, medical malpractice, discrimination, driving while intoxicated and slip and falls....

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    Established in 1995, the law firm of Bragdon & Bragdon in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, has provided much-needed advocacy and support to plaintiff personal injury clients across our state for more than 24 years. During that time, we have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and award for those we have served, and we will do all we can to increase your chances of obtaining the maximum amount...

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    Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas: personal injury, civil litigation, workers compensation, criminal defense, employment law, automobile accidents and injuries, work injuries, medical malpractice, discrimination, driving while intoxicated and slip and falls....

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    When facing difficult legal challenges, it is important to have an experienced lawyer on your side who cares as much as you do about the outcome of your case. I am attorney Michael W. Ferrell, and for more than 35 years, I have helped individuals and families through the difficult times in their lives. Along the way, I have succeeded in earning a reputation for excellence in the practice of law...

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    At Durak Law in Nashville, Tennessee, we are fully prepared to help you protect your rights and obtain the justice you seek for the serious and complex legal issues affecting your life, your livelihood and your future. To that end, our law firm offers exceptional advocacy and support to clients throughout Hickman, Maury, Williamson, Davidson and Dickson counties who have legal needs involving any...

  • 5 von 5 Sternen

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    Shelbyville's Premiere Full-Service Legal Practice At the law firm of Wilson, Henegar & Haynes in Shelbyville, Tennessee, we offer a full range of legal services to help you and your family with all of your most important and serious legal issues. Serving clients throughout Bedford County and across the southern region of Middle Tennessee, the attorneys at our law firm will work closely with...

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    The Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates represents clients in Brentwood and throughout the state of Tennessee in matters of family law, personal injury, criminal defense, business law and estate planning. Founded in 1991 by attorney Adrian H. Altshuler, individuals and families can rely on the experience, dedication and client-focused approach the firm's lawyers bring to every...

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    At the law firm of Lowery, Lowery & Cherry, PLLC, in Lebanon, Tennessee, we provide unmatched legal representation in a wide range of practice areas to help our clients with virtually any legal issue they may face. Serving individuals, families and business owners throughout Wilson County and across the state, the attorneys at our law firm possess more than 90 years of legal experience among...

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    McCune, Zenner and Happell is a growing multi-disciplinary law firm serving the needs of clients throughout Tennessee and surrounding states.  In March, 1994, the firm became the statewide provider firm for Pre-Paid Legal Services, the major national provider of legal insurance. Pre-Paid Legal Services had 1,500 Tennessee members in 1994, and now has over 24,000 members across the State...

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    At the Law Office of Perry A. Craft, PLLC, in Nashville, Tennessee, our attorneys help visa holders, American citizens and their families pursue their individual goals as they pertain to immigration law. As a practice area that is always changing, matters of immigration require the skill and experience of an attorney experienced in handling the evolving legal landscape of U.S. immigration law....

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    Julia E. Stovall, Attorney At Law - Middle Tennessee Car Accident Lawyer Attorney Julia Stovall has more than 27 years of experience representing clients in family law, divorce, car accidents and criminal law cases in courts throughout Middle Tennessee. Attorney Julia Stovall is recognized for providing exceptional legal counsel no matter what the client's situations are. Attorney Julia Stovall is...

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    At Larsen Law, PLLC, we focus our efforts on protecting the rights of accused individuals in Williamson, Davidson, Maury and Rutherford counties and surrounding Middle Tennessee by creating solid defense strategies against a variety of charges, including the following: DUI Domestic Assault Drug crimes Juvenile crimes Theft crimes Sex crimes White collar crimes Violent crimes Probation violation...

  • 5 von 5 Sternen

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    Individuals and families throughout Franklin and the surrounding Tennessee communities have a reliable and dedicated legal ally in the Law Offices of Adrian H. Altshuler & Associates. As attorneys committed to zealously protecting the interests of their clients, those facing the challenges of divorce and matters of family law, criminal charges, personal injury as well as business law and...

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    Attorneys You Can Rely On If you are experiencing a domestic issue or considering a divorce, pursuing a real estate investment, considering an estate plan, or dealing with another major personal or family issue, you are likely seeking an attorney who will recognize the importance of your legal matter to your day-to-day life and approach the same with the appropriate level of respect. The law...

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    KEETON & PERRY, PLLC is a family owned and operated law firm located in Manchester, Tennessee serving all of Tennessee . Whether you are looking for advice on personal injury, family law, criminal defense, estate planning, insurance matters, or other legal representation, our Attorney's are available to assist you. Attorney's C. Brent Keeton and Greg B. Perry have focused on, building a...

  • 5 von 5 Sternen




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    Located in Manchester, Tennessee, the Keeton Law Firm, PLLC, provides a full range of quality, professional services for those dealing with highly complex and pressing legal issues that affect their lives, livelihoods, freedoms, families and futures. Led by experienced attorney C. Brent Keeton, the law firm has become one of Coffee County's leading legal practices for personal injury, criminal...

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    Comprehensive Legal Support Throughout Middle Tennessee For all of your most important and serious legal challenges, the law firm of Wilson, Henegar & Haynes in Manchester, Tennessee, is here to provide the high-quality, personalized assistance and support you deserve. A Long History Serving Our Community Originally established in 1959, our law firm has become the trusted source for competent,...

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    Many people get through most of their life without needing the services of a lawyer, but then something happens and their life is turned upside down. A car accident leaves someone seriously or permanently injured; a family member faces criminal charges; or you make the difficult decision to end your marriage. If an unexpected event leaves you in need of experienced, accomplished legal...

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