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Los mejores abogados de accidentes de auto en Rocky Mount - Carolina del Norte

Hardee y Hardee
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos que prestan servicios en Rocky Mount, NC (en todo el estado)
Proteger los derechos de los heridos graves dentro y fuera de la sala del tribunal. Evaluación de casos 100% GRATUITA. Disponible 24/7!
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Roberts y Harris PC
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Sirviendo Carolina del Norte)
Herido en un accidente automovilístico? ¿La culpa de alguien más? ¡Llame 24/7 para una consulta gratis - 25% de tarifa si gana! ¡Mantenga MÁS de su $$$!
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Raleigh Personal Injury Law Firm When someone is seriously injured in an accident, the personal, legal, and financial stakes are high. And because there are no do-overs in personal injury law, it is important that the victim gets wise and tenacious legal representation immediately. At Roberts & Harris, we know exactly what you’re going through, and we’re ready to fight for you. As...
King Law Firm
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en Rocky Mount, NC
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
With more than 30 years of combined experience, the attorneys at the King Law Firm in Rocky Mount provide stellar representation and support for those throughout North Carolina who have suffered an injury or lost a loved one as the result of a motor vehicle accident, a workplace accident or any other type of preventable tragedy. In addition to handling all types of personal injury and wrongful...
Michael P. Murphy, PA
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en Rocky Mount, NC
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosMichael P. Murphy, P.A., provides strong representation for traffic violations, business and commercial law, and motor vehicle accidents. Based in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, my law firm serves clients throughout Nash County, Edgecombe County, Wilson County and Halifax County. My traffic violations practice includes representation for reckless driving, speeding, driving while license revoked...
Etheridge, Hamlett y Murray, LLP
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Nashville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
For experienced and aggressive representation following a speeding ticket or traffic offense, people in Nashville, North Carolina, rely on Etheridge, Hamlett & Murray, LLP. Our law firm understands the serious consequences associated with the loss of a driver's license or clean record. We work relentlessly to minimize the damage stemming from allegations of driving while impaired, driving with...
Ley Farris y Thomas
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Wilson)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
At the Wilson, North Carolina, based law firm of Thomas & Farris, we represent clients in a broad range of complex legal matters, including personal injury, criminal defense and family law. We also provide skillful representation in the areas of workers’ compensation, immigration, unemployment law and estate matters. We understand how difficult it can be to find a lawyer you feel...
O'Malley Tunstall PLLC
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Tarboro)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
The firm of O'Malley Tunstall, PLLC is dedicated to assisting the injured and disabled. Our firm began when Jimmie Keel first started the solo practice of law in 1983. He narrowed his practice to the civil practice of law with medical-legal related matters. Susan O'Malley joined Jimmie in 1995 and they first became law partners in 1998. The focus of the practice continued to narrow as the...
Davis, Sturges y Tomlinson, abogados
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Louisburg)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosExperienced Louisburg, North Carolina, Lawyers With roots in the community that date back to the 1930's, the law firm of Davis, Sturges & Tomlinson, Attorneys at Law, enjoys a long history of success in the courtroom, respect from our legal peers and satisfaction from our clients. Our current partners have provided personalized and aggressive representation with a foundation of extensive legal...
Oficina de abogados de Jeffrey Scott Thompson, PLLC
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Louisburg)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogados...
King Law Firm
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Serving innocent accident victims and their families throughout Pitt County and the surrounding areas from our office in Greenville, North Carolina, the attorneys at the King Law Firm are fully prepared to do whatever we can to help increase your chances of obtaining the favorable outcomes you deserve for your legal challenges involving any of the following: • Personal injury and wrongful...
Bufete de abogados Ricci, PA
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
With decades of combined experience, the attorneys at Ricci Law Firm, P.A., are able to deliver vigorous representation for personal injury and wrongful death victims in Greenville, North Carolina. In addition to brain and catastrophic injuries, we handle a wide array of cases involving: Workers' Compensation Motor vehicle accidents Big Truck Accidents Motorcycle Accidents Nursing home abuse...
Whitley Law Firm
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
At the Whitley Law Firm, family is important to us. Located in Greenville, North Carolina, we are dedicated to protecting the rights of injured clients and reducing the stress and fear families feel when one is dealing with a personal injury. We accept cases throughout the state. Clients appreciate the intimate, boutique setting of our law firm. With numerous attorneys who are passionate about...
Edwin M. Hardy, PC
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Washington & Greenville, North Carolina Bankruptcy & Traffic/Criminal Attorney North Carolina bankruptcy attorney, Edwin M. "Sandy" Hardy is devoted to providing the best possible legal representation in consumer Bankruptcy matters , including settlements, work offs, trials, trustee hearings, 341 hearings, stays, relief from stays, and collections of judgments. If you are faced...
El bufete de abogados Fitzpatrick
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Serving all of Pitt County and the surrounding areas, The Fitzpatrick Law Firm has two office locations in Greenville, North Carolina, to more conveniently serve the needs of our clients. From our law office located at 200 East 4th Street, we focus solely on criminal law. Led by award-winning attorney Michael C. Fitzpatrick, our law firm provides effective defense strategies for individuals and...
White & Allen, PA
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos que prestan servicios en Rocky Mount, NC (Snow Hill)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
White & Allen, P.A., is a full-service Snow Hill law firm with a history in Eastern North Carolina dating back to 1927. Our history and outstanding record of success make us an excellent choice for individuals and business owners in the area who have legal needs related to the following: • Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights...
Hardee y Hardee, LLP
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Dawson y Albritton, PA
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
At Dawson & Albritton, P.A., our sole focus is helping victims of personal injury recover compensation so they can begin the healing process. The team at our Greenville, North Carolina, law office has returned awards that include: A $5 million settlement in a case in which a child suffered a traumatic brain injury $2.25 million on behalf of a war veteran whose physician failed to diagnose an...
Oficinas Legales de James Scott Farrin
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Experienced North Carolina personal injury lawyers who can fight for your rights! A personal injury can instantly change your life. There are many different types of accidents that create such chaos, including auto accidents, being injured at work or hurt by a defective product. When an injury sidelines you or a loved one, knowing what's the right thing to do can be difficult. We can help. We're...
El bufete de abogados Fitzpatrick
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos Sirviendo Rocky Mount, NC (Greenville)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
With two office locations in Greenville, North Carolina, The Fitzpatrick Law Firm serves individuals and families throughout Pitt County and the surrounding areas by offering the quality, dependable representation they need when facing life's toughest legal challenges. From our law office located at 704 Cromwell Drive, Suite D, we focus primarily on family law; however, we also represent clients...
Everett, Womble y Lawrence, LLP
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos que prestan servicios en Rocky Mount, NC (Goldsboro)
Perfil de la firma de abogadosOur law firm has been representing clients for over 45 years here in Goldsboro and has the reputation of representing them with integrity, consistency and diligence....
Dees, Smith, Powell, Jarrett, Dees y Jones
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos que prestan servicios en Rocky Mount, NC (Goldsboro)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Dees, Smith, Powell, Jarrett, Dees & Jones, on North William Street in Goldsboro, was founded in 1914 by William Archie Dees. His son, William A. Dees, Jr., joined the firm in 1948, followed by Bill Smith in 1955. The law firm of is one of the oldest, most established, and most resourceful law firms in Eastern North Carolina today. Our reputation for legal professionalism and client service makes...
Dees, Smith, Powell, Jarrett, Dees & Jones, LLP
Abogados de accidentes automovilísticos que prestan servicios en Rocky Mount, NC (Goldsboro)
Sitio web del bufete de abogados Perfil de la firma de abogadosConsulta gratis
Dees, Smith, Powell, Jarrett, Dees & Jones, on North William Street in Goldsboro, was founded in 1914 by William Archie Dees. His son, William A. Dees, Jr., joined the firm in 1948, followed by Bill Smith in 1955. The law firm of is one of the oldest, most established, and most resourceful law firms in Eastern North Carolina today. Our reputation for legal professionalism and client service makes...
¿Necesita ayuda con un accidente automovilístico?
Has venido al lugar correcto. Si ha estado en un accidente automovilístico, accidente de motocicleta o herido por cualquier otro tipo de vehículo motorizado, un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos puede ayudarlo.
Use FindLaw para contratar a un abogado local de accidentes automovilísticos cerca de usted que pueda ayudarlo a determinar qué hacer inmediatamente después de un accidente, quién tiene la culpa, cómo manejar posibles problemas médicos y recuperarse de lesiones y daños.
¿Necesita un abogado en Rocky Mount, Carolina del Norte?
El Directorio de Abogados de FindLaw es el mayor directorio en línea de abogados. Explore más de un millón de listados, que abarcan desde defensa penal hasta lesiones personales y planificación patrimonial.
Los perfiles detallados de firmas de abogados tienen información como el área legal de la firma, la ubicación de la oficina, el horario de atención y las opciones de pago. Los perfiles de abogados incluyen la biografía, la educación y la capacitación, y las recomendaciones de los clientes de un abogado para ayudarlo a decidir a quién contratar.
Use el formulario de contacto en los perfiles para conectarse con un abogado de Rocky Mount, Carolina del Norte, para obtener asesoramiento legal.
¿Cómo elijo un abogado?
Considera lo siguiente:
- Nivel de comodidad
- - ¿Se siente cómodo diciéndole al abogado información personal? ¿El abogado parece interesado en resolver su problema?
- Cartas credenciales
- - ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva el abogado en la práctica? ¿Ha trabajado el abogado en otros casos similares al suyo?
- Costo
- - ¿Cómo están estructurados los honorarios del abogado - tarifa por hora o tarifa plana? ¿Puede el abogado estimar el coste de tu caso?
- Ciudad
- - ¿La oficina del abogado está convenientemente ubicada cerca de usted?
¿No está seguro de qué preguntas hacerle a un abogado?
Aquí hay algunos para comenzar:
- ¿Cuánto tiempo has estado practicando?
- ¿Cuántos casos como el mío has manejado?
- ¿Con qué frecuencia resuelve los casos fuera de los tribunales?
- ¿Cuáles son sus tarifas y costos?
- ¿Cuáles son los siguientes pasos?
¿Quiere verificar la disciplina del abogado?
Siempre es una buena idea investigar a su abogado antes de contratarlo. Cada estado tiene una organización disciplinaria que supervisa a los abogados, sus licencias y las quejas de los consumidores. Al investigar la disciplina de un abogado, usted puede:
- Asegúrese de que el abogado tenga licencia para ejercer en su estado
- Comprender su historial disciplinario histórico, si lo hay.
- Determine la seriedad de las quejas / problemas que pueden variar desde tarifas de barra tardías hasta problemas más serios que requieren medidas disciplinarias.