Wann sollten Sie einen unserer Anwälte für Personenschäden anrufen?
Wenn Sie aufgrund von Fahrlässigkeit Opfer einer Verletzung sind…
Eine Körperverletzung kann ein verheerendes Ereignis im eigenen Leben sein. Bei Malman Law erkennen wir den Tribut an, den er für Sie und Ihre Familie bedeuten kann - physisch, emotional und finanziell.
Als vertrauenswürdige, erfahrene Anwälte für Personenschäden in Chicago berücksichtigen wir all diese Faktoren bei der Bearbeitung Ihres Rechtsstreits. Darüber hinaus werden wir alles tun, um einen reibungslosen, schmerzlosen und schnellen Prozess zu gewährleisten.
Wenn Sie Malman Law einstellen, ergreifen wir sofort Maßnahmen, um mit dem Rechtsverfahren zu beginnen. Wir raten Ihnen. Sammeln Sie die Fakten des Falls. Untersuchen und interviewen. Letztendlich bauen wir einen Fall auf, der darauf abzielt und unterstützt, dass Sie die höchste Entschädigung für Ihre Verletzung erhalten.
Wir lösen über 95% unserer Fälle, ohne vor Gericht zu gehen. Wenn sich ein Fall nicht erledigt, gehen wir vor Gericht. In jedem Fall wollen wir den größten Geldbetrag für die Schmerzen und Leiden unserer Kunden gewinnen. Unabhängig davon, ob Ihre Körperverletzung durch einen Autounfall, einen Sturzunfall, ein medizinisches Fehlverhalten oder etwas anderes verursacht wurde, kann die bewährte und sehr erfahrene Anwaltskanzlei für Personenschäden in Chicago von Malman Law Ihnen in dieser schwierigen Zeit helfen.
WEITERLESEN Planen Sie eine kostenlose FallprüfungZantac Klage
Zantac ist eine Markenform von Ranitidin, einem H2-Blocker, der zur Behandlung von Sodbrennen, Geschwüren, gastroösophagealer Refluxkrankheit (GERD) und ähnlichen Erkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Seit Jahren ist es ein beliebtes rezeptfreies Medikament, mit dem viele Menschen regelmäßig Erleichterung von diesen häufigen gesundheitlichen Problemen finden. Zantac wurde kürzlich zurückgerufen, weil Spuren einer bekannten krebserregenden Substanz namens NDMA im Medikament gefunden wurden.
If you have taken Zantac and been diagnosed with any form of cancer, we strongly advise you to speak with an attorney about the potential for you to have a legal case that could entitle you to compensation.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewSlip and Fall Accidents
At Malman Law our personal injury lawyers will aggressively pursue a valid claim originating from a slip and fall accident. Such accidents arise from various causes resulting in serious injuries, including head and spinal cord injuries.
There are several types of these accidents, including “trip and fall,” “step and fall” as well as “stump and fall.” You require a slip and fall accidents lawyer to offer a competent evaluation of your case and engage the proprietor or the insurance provider.
Our respected and proven Chicago personal injury lawyers will collaborate with experts to assess the extent of your case. By collaborating with specialists, we can evaluate accidents that are usually hard to prove and establish the amount of recovery you need.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewProducts Liability
Products liability is an area of law concerning injuries that are caused by consumer products. In Illinois, a person can sue the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer of a product that they bought if they are injured while using the product. It is key that the person was using the product in a way that it was meant to be used, and the product was either defective or otherwise unsafe.
Any sort of product that is sold to consumers can be the subject of a products liability lawsuit. The product in question could be a car, a toy, a garden hose, a kitchen appliance, food, a prescription drug, or any other item that someone commonly buys. It is very important that you contact a skilled and proven Chicago Personal Injury Attorney to discuss your injuries as a result of a consumer product.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewConstruction Accident
Surveys and reports from the Labor Department and Occupational Safety Health Administration indicate that construction sites are some of the most hazardous occupational places in Illinois.
Conditions are continuously changing, and employees, inspectors and sub-contractors must follow various measures to ensure the successful completion of the project and avoid a costly mistake.
If you, a colleague, or someone you know has sustained an injury on a construction site while working, contact a construction accident lawyer from Malman Law. A qualified Chicago personal injury lawyer from Malman Law will inform you of the legal and protection benefits concerning your case.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewSpinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury denotes severe spine damage that results in the loss of movement, range of motion or physical sensation. Annually, the United States records at least 11,000 new cases involving such injuries. Many originate from slips and falls, car accidents and personal injury accidents.
Common spinal cord injuries include contusion, compression, and spinal fractures. Such injuries could produce side effects including severe depression, emotional trauma, and respiratory problems.
A spinal cord injury is a life-changing event and can be particularly traumatic if it occurs as an accident caused by another party. Recovery could take an extended period of time, and is often very costly.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewDog Bites
Dog bites can be horrifying; they leave physical scars and may cause emotional damage. Most dog bite victims are children, and many have to seek reconstructive and recuperative surgery to heal fully.
If you or a family member has suffered a dog bite, an injury lawyer from Malman Law will give you the necessary assistance and the deserved legal guidance. Upon retaining our services, we will use our resources and knowledge to see that you get justice and fair compensation.
We have served over 25,000 clients since 1994, helping victims obtain reimbursement for their pain, medical bills, and other costs. In Illinois, the laws concerning dog bites are clear. You have the right to obtain reimbursement for an unprovoked attack by a dog.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewTraumatic Brain Injury
You should be concerned about traumatic brain injuries because they can happen easily from any number of causes, such as an automobile wreck, a fall, a workplace accident, or non-contact sports, like bicycling. All that is required is a bump or a blow to the head, although a penetrating head injury, such as one from a bullet, qualifies as well.
Obviously, some people experience a bump to the head or a mild concussion and they recover completely. This may have happened to you or someone you know, maybe more than once. Unfortunately, not all traumatic brain injuries are so innocuous.
A person can suffer a closed head injury that is serious, but he or she might not experience any immediate, obvious signs that something is wrong. Sometimes the symptoms that signal a serious problem may not show up for days or even weeks.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewWrongful Death
When you lose a loved one – a son or daughter, a mother or father, a wife or husband — to a sudden and unexpected death, the situation is most challenging and the pain is unimaginably deep. When that death comes about as a result of carelessness or negligence, the grief competes with anger and frustration and the suffering is often unresolved. At the time of death, no amount of money can bring back your loved one or reduce the pain caused by the tragedy. Having a compassionate and experienced Chicago injury lawyer by your side at this time can help you through this difficult time.
However, if you relied on your loved one for ongoing financial support, you may have a right to seek financial recovery from a wrongful death. A committed and caring wrongful death lawyer like the lawyers at Malman Law can help you fight for your legal rights. The Chicago personal injury attorneys at Malman Law can file a wrongful death claim for you and help you seek damages from the party (or parties) responsible for the death of your family member.
READ MORE Schedule Free Case ReviewPolicy Brutality / Civil Rights Violation
Police brutality is more than just a sad occurrence that shames law-abiding police officers and hurts victims, it is a violation of the basic rights secured by the United States Constitution for regular citizens and for convicted criminals. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 says that people who have had their Constitutional rights violated may sue the violator in a state or federal court. This includes victims of police brutality, whether or not they have been convicted of a crime. A person who has suffered from police brutality, no matter the form of brutality inflicted, has the right to recover damages for personal injuries and the violation of his or her civil rights in a court of law.
There are plenty of decent, hardworking, honorable police officers in the state of Illinois, but there are also some bad ones. Police officers who do not uphold the law should be held accountable for their actions. This is where the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Malman Law comes in.
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