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محامي شيكاغو للإصابة الشخصية

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جدولة مراجعة الحالة المجانية
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    تجربة قاعة المحكمة الحقيقية

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محامي شيكاغو الأكثر موثوقية

قانون مالمان يربح 95٪ من قضاياهم ؛ دع خبرتنا تعمل لك أيضًا

إذا تعرضت أنت أو أحد أفراد أسرتك لإصابة شخصية ، فإن اختيار أفضل محامي إصابة شخصية في شيكاغو ليس دائمًا سهلاً. لهذا السبب ، منذ اللحظة التي تتصل فيها بـ Malman Law ، سنثبت لك أنك اتخذت قرارًا حكيمًا.

سواء كانت قضيتك كبيرة أو صغيرة ، فسوف تتلقى الاهتمام والإرشاد والتمثيل من ذوي الخبرة الشخصية للإصابة التي تحتاجها للقتال من أجل الحصول على أعلى تعويض تستحقه.

لأكثر من 25 عامًا ، جمع محامو الإصابات الشخصية في Malman Law مئات الملايين من الدولارات نيابة عن عملائنا. لقد ساعدنا أكثر من 25000 جريح في جميع أنحاء شيكاغو ومنطقة إلينوي المحيطة بها.

ما إذا كنت قد وقعت ضحية ل حادث سيارة ، حادث شاحنة ، التمريض تعاطي المنزل ، أو أي إصابة أخرى، لدينا شيكاغو إصابة شخصية المحامي ستيفن J. Malman يمكن أن تساعد! من خلال التقييم الأولي المجاني للحالة ، يمكننا المساعدة في شرح ما ستشمله حالة الإصابة وماذا تتوقع.

نتفاوض في كل حالة بقوة واستراتيجية وإبداع.

نعتقد أن هذه هي أفضل طريقة للحصول على التسوية التي تستحقها. إذا لم نتمكن من تسوية مطالبتك خارج المحكمة ، فسوف نعرضها على القاضي ويمكن لفريق التقاضي لدينا رفع دعوى إصابة شخصية. تعامل فريق التقاضي لدينا مع أكثر من 25000 دعوى قضائية تتعلق بالإصابات الشخصية ، وفاز بجوائز كبيرة لعملائنا ، وكان العديد منها قرارات بملايين الدولارات. تتمتع شركتنا بسجل ممتاز في الحصول على نتائج لمطالبات الإصابات الشخصية والدعاوى القضائية.

يمتلك فريقنا من المحامين ذوي الخبرة الشخصية وتعويضات العمال المهارة والموهبة والشغف والموارد لتزويدك بأفضل تمثيل قانوني ممكن. عندما تختار العمل مع Malman Law ، يمكن الوصول إلينا على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم ، 7 أيام في الأسبوع ، لذا اطلب تقييمًا مجانيًا للحالة اليوم. نحن على استعداد للإجابة على أسئلتك ومساعدتك في اجتياز هذا الوقت العصيب والمليء بالتوتر. اتصل بمحامي الإصابات الناطقين بالإنجليزية والإسبانية في شيكاغو اليوم!

نحن في موقع ملائم في وسط مدينة شيكاغو ، على بعد كتلتين فقط من مبنى المحكمة. هناك الكثير من مواقف السيارات عبر الشارع ويمكن الوصول إلى وسائل النقل العام بسهولة.

إذا كنت قد أصيبت في حادث إصابة شخصية أو في العمل ، أو شخص تحبه ، فاتصل بقانون Malman للحصول على تقييم مجاني لحالة عدم الالتزام. إذا لم تتمكن من القدوم إلينا لأي سبب ، يسعدنا أن نذهب إليك لمناقشة قضيتك.

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ساعدنا قانون مالمان خلال وقت صعب توفي فيه والدي. التقيا مع الأطراف المهملة وصاغوا اتفاقية ترضي أختي وأنا. قدم موظفو الدعم لديهم خدمة عملاء ممتازة وكانوا دائمًا مهذبين.

CL Williams ضحية إصابة شخصية

سنقوم دائمًا بالتشاور مع عملائنا أولاً قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات.

منذ فترة طويلة مع فريقنا من محامي الإصابات الشخصية المحامين ومحامي تعويضات العمال ، يسعدنا أن يكون لدينا فريق دعم كبير يمكنه أيضًا تزويد العملاء بخدمة ممتازة وجودة.

يأخذ Malman Law إصاباتك على محمل الجد ، ويمثل عملاء من منطقة Chicagoland وعبر ولاية إلينوي. عندما نمثلك ، سنناضل من أجل الحصول على تعويض حتى تتمكن من التعافي بشكل صحيح.

بينما يقيم العديد من عملائنا في شيكاغو ، فإنهم يعيشون أيضًا في المناطق المحيطة ، بما في ذلك لانسينج ، دولتون ، ماتيسون ، أوليمبيا فيلدز ، قرية سوك ، شيكاغو هايتس ، هازل كريست ، وستشستر ، جنوب هولندا ، ريفرسايد ، أوك لاون ، سيسيرو ، هوموود ، Berwyn و Bellwood و Blue Island و Maywood و Harvey و Oak Park في مقاطعة كوك. وقد عمل معنا أيضًا عملاء من مقاطعة ليك ، ومقاطعة ويل ، ومقاطعة DuPage.

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مجالات ممارسة القانون مالمان

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متى تتصل بأحد محامينا الإصابات الشخصية؟

إذا كنت ضحية إصابة بسبب إهمال شخص ما ...

يمكن أن تكون الإصابة الشخصية حدثًا مدمرًا في حياة المرء. في Malman Law ، ندرك الخسائر التي يمكن أن تلحقها بك ولعائلتك ، جسديًا وعاطفيًا وماليًا.

بصفتنا محامين موثوقين وذوي خبرة في شيكاغو ، فإننا نعتبر كل هذه العوامل عند معالجة قضيتك القانونية. علاوة على ذلك ، سنبذل قصارى جهدنا لضمان عملية سلسة وغير مؤلمة وسريعة.

عندما تستخدم Malman Law ، نتخذ إجراءات فورية لبدء الإجراءات القانونية. نحن ننصحك. اجمع حقائق القضية. التحقيق والمقابلة. في النهاية ، نقوم ببناء حالة تسعى وتدعم حصولك على أعلى تعويض عن إصابتك.

نقوم بتسوية أكثر من 95٪ من قضايانا دون اللجوء إلى المحكمة. إذا لم تحسم القضية ، نذهب إلى المحاكمة. في كلتا الحالتين ، نحن خارجون لكسب أكبر مبلغ من المال لآلام عملائنا ومعاناتهم. سواء كانت إصابتك الشخصية ناتجة عن حادث سيارة ، أو حادث انزلاق وسقوط ، أو سوء تصرف طبي ، أو أي شيء آخر ، فإن قانون شيكاغو للإصابات الشخصية المجرب وذو الخبرة العالية يمكن أن يساعدك خلال هذا الوقت الصعب.

اقرأ أكثر جدولة مراجعة الحالة المجانية
دعوى زانتاك

Zantac هو شكل من أشكال العلامة التجارية لرانيتيدين ، وهو مانع H2 يستخدم لعلاج حرقة المعدة والقرحة ومرض الجزر المعدي المريئي (GERD) والأمراض المماثلة. لسنوات كان من الأدوية الشعبية التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية والتي استخدمها العديد من الأشخاص لإيجاد راحة منتظمة من هذه الآلام الصحية الشائعة. تم استدعاء Zantac مؤخرًا بسبب آثار مادة معروفة تسبب السرطان تسمى NDMA الموجودة في الدواء.

If you have taken Zantac and been diagnosed with any form of cancer, we strongly advise you to speak with an attorney about the potential for you to have a legal case that could entitle you to compensation.

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Slip and Fall Accidents

At Malman Law our personal injury lawyers will aggressively pursue a valid claim originating from a slip and fall accident. Such accidents arise from various causes resulting in serious injuries, including head and spinal cord injuries.

There are several types of these accidents, including “trip and fall,” “step and fall” as well as “stump and fall.” You require a slip and fall accidents lawyer to offer a competent evaluation of your case and engage the proprietor or the insurance provider.

Our respected and proven Chicago personal injury lawyers will collaborate with experts to assess the extent of your case. By collaborating with specialists, we can evaluate accidents that are usually hard to prove and establish the amount of recovery you need.

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Products Liability

Products liability is an area of law concerning injuries that are caused by consumer products. In Illinois, a person can sue the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer of a product that they bought if they are injured while using the product. It is key that the person was using the product in a way that it was meant to be used, and the product was either defective or otherwise unsafe.

Any sort of product that is sold to consumers can be the subject of a products liability lawsuit. The product in question could be a car, a toy, a garden hose, a kitchen appliance, food, a prescription drug, or any other item that someone commonly buys. It is very important that you contact a skilled and proven Chicago Personal Injury Attorney to discuss your injuries as a result of a consumer product.

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Construction Accident

Surveys and reports from the Labor Department and Occupational Safety Health Administration indicate that construction sites are some of the most hazardous occupational places in Illinois.

Conditions are continuously changing, and employees, inspectors and sub-contractors must follow various measures to ensure the successful completion of the project and avoid a costly mistake.

If you, a colleague, or someone you know has sustained an injury on a construction site while working, contact a construction accident lawyer from Malman Law. A qualified Chicago personal injury lawyer from Malman Law will inform you of the legal and protection benefits concerning your case.

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Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury denotes severe spine damage that results in the loss of movement, range of motion or physical sensation. Annually, the United States records at least 11,000 new cases involving such injuries. Many originate from slips and falls, car accidents and personal injury accidents.

Common spinal cord injuries include contusion, compression, and spinal fractures. Such injuries could produce side effects including severe depression, emotional trauma, and respiratory problems.

A spinal cord injury is a life-changing event and can be particularly traumatic if it occurs as an accident caused by another party. Recovery could take an extended period of time, and is often very costly.

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Dog Bites

Dog bites can be horrifying; they leave physical scars and may cause emotional damage. Most dog bite victims are children, and many have to seek reconstructive and recuperative surgery to heal fully.

If you or a family member has suffered a dog bite, an injury lawyer from Malman Law will give you the necessary assistance and the deserved legal guidance. Upon retaining our services, we will use our resources and knowledge to see that you get justice and fair compensation.

We have served over 25,000 clients since 1994, helping victims obtain reimbursement for their pain, medical bills, and other costs. In Illinois, the laws concerning dog bites are clear. You have the right to obtain reimbursement for an unprovoked attack by a dog.

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Traumatic Brain Injury

You should be concerned about traumatic brain injuries because they can happen easily from any number of causes, such as an automobile wreck, a fall, a workplace accident, or non-contact sports, like bicycling. All that is required is a bump or a blow to the head, although a penetrating head injury, such as one from a bullet, qualifies as well.

Obviously, some people experience a bump to the head or a mild concussion and they recover completely. This may have happened to you or someone you know, maybe more than once. Unfortunately, not all traumatic brain injuries are so innocuous.

A person can suffer a closed head injury that is serious, but he or she might not experience any immediate, obvious signs that something is wrong. Sometimes the symptoms that signal a serious problem may not show up for days or even weeks.

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Wrongful Death

When you lose a loved one – a son or daughter, a mother or father, a wife or husband — to a sudden and unexpected death, the situation is most challenging and the pain is unimaginably deep. When that death comes about as a result of carelessness or negligence, the grief competes with anger and frustration and the suffering is often unresolved. At the time of death, no amount of money can bring back your loved one or reduce the pain caused by the tragedy. Having a compassionate and experienced Chicago injury lawyer by your side at this time can help you through this difficult time.

However, if you relied on your loved one for ongoing financial support, you may have a right to seek financial recovery from a wrongful death. A committed and caring wrongful death lawyer like the lawyers at Malman Law can help you fight for your legal rights. The Chicago personal injury attorneys at Malman Law can file a wrongful death claim for you and help you seek damages from the party (or parties) responsible for the death of your family member.

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Policy Brutality / Civil Rights Violation

Police brutality is more than just a sad occurrence that shames law-abiding police officers and hurts victims, it is a violation of the basic rights secured by the United States Constitution for regular citizens and for convicted criminals. The Civil Rights Act of 1871 says that people who have had their Constitutional rights violated may sue the violator in a state or federal court. This includes victims of police brutality, whether or not they have been convicted of a crime. A person who has suffered from police brutality, no matter the form of brutality inflicted, has the right to recover damages for personal injuries and the violation of his or her civil rights in a court of law.

There are plenty of decent, hardworking, honorable police officers in the state of Illinois, but there are also some bad ones. Police officers who do not uphold the law should be held accountable for their actions. This is where the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Malman Law comes in.

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Sadly, nursing home neglect and assisted living abuse is a disturbing reality that cannot be denied. Although nursing homes are supposed to provide a safe haven for seniors and the disabled, staffed by caring and professional caregivers, regrettably, that is often not the case. As people live longer, and the number of nursing homes and assisted living facilities increases, the number of cases of nursing home neglect, assisted living abuse, and retirement home negligence grows exponentially. Having a compassionate and dedicated Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer by your side can help if abuse issues arise.

Abuse in nursing homes is disturbing and, in some cases, downright disgusting. Since 1994, as a nursing home injury lawyer in Chicago, IL, Steven J. Malman has seen it all. Based on our experience, we can identify warning signs of abuse and neglect, help with improvements in the care, and acquire the deserved compensation for injuries, medical costs and suffering related to neglect or abuse. As highly experienced Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers we will fight for your rights in your personal injury case.

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In more than 25 years of practicing personal injury law in Illinois, nursing home abuse and cases of neglect comprise some of the most infuriating matters we have handled. Regrettably, most family members and residents are unaware of the resources available to them.

Thanks to the Nursing Home Care Act, carelessness, neglect, and abuse are actionable offenses. If either you or a family member develops bedsores at a nursing home, the facility should verify that the sores were inevitable and that the staff offered efficient care after the detection.

Bedsores, otherwise known as pressure ulcers, can be debilitating and even fatal to confined elderly patients. In some instances, bedsores arise due to poor decisions by nurses. In other cases, the facility’s pervasive culture of neglect and nursing home abuse may be to blame.

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Unexplained Falls and Fractures

Unexplained fractures and falls among the elderly (65 years and older) are the principal cause of death and injuries. If you are seeking reliable resources to assist a loved one or an elderly friend who has sustained injuries in a fall, you can trust the reputable, reliable, and highly successful personal injury lawyers of Malman Law.

At Malman Law, we seek to protect and fight for our clients. The most likely cause of most fractures and falls in the elderly population are unfortunate accidents. However, a considerable number of these injuries are preventable with appropriate precautions, supervision, and resources.

When an elderly person moves into a nursing home, it becomes the facility’s responsibility to offer a hazard-free environment. Incompetence, abuse, and even neglect can result in fractures and falls.

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Malnutrition affects countless elderly persons in nursing care around the nation. If you suspect a loved one is not obtaining the nourishment he or she requires, the Chicago injury lawyers at Malman Law may provide you with the necessary assistance.

For over ten years we have handled complex cases involving nursing care. Owing to our extensive experience, we have created an effective, comprehensive, and systematic approach for fighting for victims’ rights.

Our goal is to provide our clients with legal representation to attain the best solution. Simply because an elderly person does not seem to obtain sufficient nutrition from their diet does not necessarily imply nursing home neglect.

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Death is an unfortunate occurrence in nursing facilities around the nation. According to published statistics, approximately 1 out of 5 to as many as 1 out of 4 deaths in the U.S. occur in nursing homes.

If you believe the death of a friend or loved one was directly or indirectly related to nursing home abuse, a Chicago wrongful death lawyer at Malman Law could offer the necessary guidance. For over ten years, the attorneys at Malman Law have worked relentlessly to fight for their clients’ rights.

Establishing the exact grounds for death can be hard, especially without an autopsy. Frequently, ailing elderly patients exhibit several conditions concurrently. Therefore, establishing whether or not neglect contributed to or caused any medical issues can prove difficult in the absence of a precise investigation.

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Wrongful or Inappropriate Care

When elderly persons move into nursing facilities, they anticipate prudent, compassionate, and proactive treatment. Regrettably, statistics reveal that numerous facilities provide inadequate, or at times, wrongful care.

The personal injury attorneys at Malman Law have tirelessly fought against outrageous nursing home neglect and abuse for over 25 years. Furthermore, we have dealt with issues ranging from accidents to neglect.

We adopt a methodical, client-centered, and time proven process to probe allegations, develop structured arguments, and leverage our expertise to produce results.

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Medication Errors

In today’s society we expect medical interventions to be beneficial rather than detrimental. However, the injury lawyers at Malman Law can prove that many of the nation’s nursing homes frequently fail in this regard.

A recently published study in the American Journal of Medicine reveals the severity of nursing home neglect. According to this study, researchers discovered that randomly chosen nursing facilities in the Northeast could have prevented more than 40% of injuries.

In another study conducted in Massachusetts, researchers discovered that almost 75% of injuries among elderly patients were preventable. These statistics underscore a great disconnect between the principles held by society on the treatment that seniors should receive and the reality of nursing home care.

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Every year, 200,000 Americans die from sepsis. Reliable reports suggest that nearly 20 million people worldwide suffer from these bacterial blood infections. The Chicago, Illinois personal injury lawyers here at Malman Law have successfully litigated a variety of sepsis related injury claims.

Nursing homes can be havens for bacteria and viruses that cause infections. Elderly residents’ weakened immune systems, relative social isolation, and medical complications put them at much higher risk — not only for sepsis itself but also for complications from infection.

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Dysphagia – trouble with chewing and swallowing – afflicts hundreds of thousands of seniors in our nation’s nursing homes. The Illinois nursing home attorneys here at Malman Law can help if you or a family member has suffered injuries resulting from negligence, abuse, or other kinds of lapses of care at a facility.

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Unreasonable Restraint

Unreasonable restraint of nursing home patients can increase risk for injury and death. The Chicago personal injury lawyers here at Malman Law strive to deliver solid strategies and solutions for victims of unreasonable restraint, and we provide a zero fee guarantee and a 24X7 hotline for potential claimants.

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Financial Explotation

The financial exploitation of elderly Americans – particularly seniors who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease – is not only morally reprehensible – it’s also a crime that can result in significant penalties, including major fines and jail time. The elder injury attorneys of Malman Law have dealt with numerous cases of elderly financial exploitation, and we have a deep knowledge of the law and resources claimants need to seek justice effectively.

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Vehicle accidents are an ongoing reality of life in an urban city. Every year people in Chicago, IL are involved in accidents involving an auto, motorcycle, truck, train, bicycle or as a pedestrian. These accidents can cause personal injury, severe injuries or death. If your injury was the result of another person or entity’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to compensation to help you cover your expenses so you can focus on making a quick, smooth, and full recovery. Contacting a proven and committed Chicago Personal Injury Law Firm is good decision that can save you additional pain during this time.

If you have sustained an injury from an auto accident, you should consider hiring an auto injury lawyer at Malman Law to represent you. A strong Chicago auto accident lawyer can make a significant difference in yielding the maximum compensation for your injury.

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Car Accidents

Highways and roads in Chicago, IL grow more and more crowded each year with commuters and travelers. With such congestion, auto accidents are an unavoidable reality and the frequency of such accidents increases annually. Even with better laws and insurance coverage, a car accident will sometimes cause injury as a result of someone else’s carelessness or impairment. When a car accident happen you need a top-quality, dedicated Chicago Car Accident Attorney by your side.

Some auto insurance carriers work under an assumption that unless an accident victim is killed or seriously maimed, a car accident injury case is not valid. A skilled car accident lawyer at Malman Law understands these realities and is committed to getting you the compensation you’re entitled to as a result of an auto accident in Chicago, IL.

Since 1994, we have handled more than 1,000 car accident cases in Illinois and have experience with a range of car accident injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord injuries, internal injuries, burns, and bruises. We have also helped families that have lost a loved one as a result of the negligence or carelessness of a driver. If you have suffered any type of personal injury it is important for you to discuss your case with one of our respected and proven Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys.

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Cell Phone Accidents

Most people have at some point driven while using a cell phone. However, data offered by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society may make you rethink your actions.

According to a recent study, cell phones have caused more than 2,600 auto crash-related fatalities and over 330,000 auto crash-related injuries. Research indicates that the usage of cell phones dramatically slows down reaction time and reflexes.

Although talking on your cell phone is more socially permissible than drunk driving, the risk factors are similar if not higher. Research has repeatedly proven that there’s only a slight difference in terms of attentiveness.

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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles make a visually imposing presence on today’s traffic scene and, throughout Chicago, IL you can observe everything from restored vintage cycles to modern, high-octane monster cycles. The city of Chicago, IL strictly enforces its policies regarding motorcycle driving and on-road safety. That said, motorcycle accidents can and do occur. Having a knowledgeable and proven Chicago Personal Injury Attorney to fight for your rights is vital.

The freedom of motorcycling is exciting but, with minimal protection, even the most safety-conscious motorcycle drivers and passengers have a natural vulnerability to injury. Motorcyclists involved in an accident can sustain serious injuries including broken bones, brain and internal organ injury, spinal cord damage, and even death. If you have been involved in a Motorcycle Accident, turn to our highly respected and experienced Chicago injury attorneys to fight for your rights.

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Train Accidents

Public transportation is absolutely essential in a massive metropolis like Chicago. Trains and buses get us to work and back, and out on the weekends – usually quickly, conveniently and more cheaply than driving. However, “el” trains, commuter railroads and buses can be hazardous places. Of course, the city and transportation companies make every effort to ensure the safety of all passengers, but high speeds, derailment accidents, and sudden stops can all result in serious injuries and even fatalities.

If you or a loved one has been injured on the CTA, Metra or any other Illinois transpiration system, speak today with the experienced accident attorneys of Malman Law.

Passengers on Illinois public transit systems are required by law to receive to utmost care. Still, train conductors who drive under the influence, inspectors who fail to notice critical malfunctions, maintenance crews who do sub-standard work, and companies that don’t make the right decisions can put literally hundreds of lives in jeopardy.

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Truck Accidents

Truck accidents in Chicago, IL are always more complex than those accidents involving cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, or bicycles because of the massive equipment involved. And personal injury cases involving truck accidents are generally more serious, due to the force of impact from a collision involving an 18-wheeler truck, a semi-truck, tractor-trailer or another large truck.

At Malman Law we are very familiar with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and state commercial vehicle regulations that govern truck drivers and truck companies operating in Chicago, IL. When determining liability or negligence in a trucking accident, we know exactly what to look for to protect your rights.

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Uninsured Motorists

Dealing with car accidents that have caused you injury is stressful. You’ll have to wrangle with insurance providers and fight for compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, damages, and physical therapy, and that’s when you and the driver who hit you both have insurance. Even in the best of scenarios, negotiations can drag on for a long time and give you a serious headache. This can get very costly very fast, and can leave you feeling financially unstable.

This can be even worse if the person who hit you is underinsured or has no insurance at all. Then what do you do? Can you expect to be awarded compensation when there’s no insurance company backing them, or are you stuck with paying out of your own pocket for injuries they caused, wages they caused you to lose, and the time you need to recover?

At Malman Law, our seasoned Chicago personal injury attorneys can help you with no obligation. Give us a call, or request a free case evaluation—we’ll get back to you immediately. We know that accidents don’t happen on a schedule, so no matter if it’s the weekend, a holiday, or in the middle of the night, we’re there.

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At Malman Law our proficient Chicago workers compensation lawyers recognize that filing claims can be confusing and tricky. For various reasons, many injured employees don’t file for occupational damages. Those who do file frequently settle for a much lower compensation than they deserve.

Because it is imperative you understand your rights, our qualified work accident lawyers will assist you with getting paid for your time off work, medical bills, and any other expenses incurred from an occupational injury. You require a workers compensation lawyer that has your best interests in mind. Our work injury advocates have successfully dealt with these types of claims cases since 1994.

We are zealous about the rights of injured employees, and we have made it our mission to secure compensation for people fighting against huge corporations. We have represented countless cases since our firm began, and we have received a considerable number of positive verdicts.

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Union Members

Historically, Chicago Unions are a powerful entity with established political roots. Nevertheless, union members who have been injured on the job still have strong opponents to contend with. At Malman Law, our worker’s comp lawyers understand that when injury or illness strikes a union worker, the entire family pays the price. If you have suffered an injury that has ended your career, rendered you partially or completely disabled, or has made it temporarily impossible for you to work, we will be your advocates. We will aggressively pursue the repayment you are entitled to, so you can continue to provide for your family long after you have recovered.

Under The Illinois Worker’s Compensation Act, it is illegal to fire, refuse to rehire, or lay off any worker in retaliation for filing a worker’s compensation claim. If this has happened to you, you may be eligible for a large settlement. State law limits the amount of worker’s compensation benefits you can receive, but there is no limit to the amount you can be awarded in a “retaliatory discharge” lawsuit. Give us a call today and request a completely confidential case evaluation at no charge.

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Truck Drivers

Despite safety measures and precautions, truck drivers in Chicago and surrounding areas are injured all too often. The Illinois workers compensation attorneys at Malman Law have provided top-quality legal help to numerous injured driving professionals since 1994. Our proven Chicago injury lawyers are here to fight for your rights and ensure you get the repayment you deserve for your injury.

Sadly, most trucking companies expect too much from their employees. Drivers are often awake for 13 to 20-hour shifts, with tight deadlines that don’t always allow for safe driving. Loss of concentration, lack of sleep, careless motorists and countless other factors can lead to tragic accidents.

If you have been injured in a big rig, semi, or shipping truck accident that was the result of someone else’s negligence, of if you have been injured by careless or negligent truck driver, our truck accident injury lawyers can get you the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and get back to work. Contact one of our experienced and respected Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your case.

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Factory Workers

The Illinois workers compensation attorneys at Malman Law have represented numerous factory workers over the past fifteen years. Despite the ample safety gui
delines enforced at Illinois factories and warehouses, far too many workers still get hurt on the job.

Even companies that implement best practices often witness several acute and chronic injuries a year. (And very few manufacturers implement and maintain best safety practices.)

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Railroad Workers (FELA)

The Federal Employee Liability Act is a United States law that offers protection for railroaders who have been injured on the job. Our injury lawyers undertake many complicated cases per year. If faulty machinery or the inattentiveness of fellow workers or foremen has directly resulted in an injury or chronic condition, the personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of Steven J. Malman and Associates can help. We know how to get the maximum amount to pay for any physical therapy, lost salaries, discomfort and suffering, and even psychological counseling.

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Construction Workers

At Malman Law, we recognize that construction work can be hazardous. From dangerous materials to harsh weather, we understand that injuries and accidents can occur at any time and when they do, the consequences could be disastrous.

If you or somebody you know has sustained an injury during construction work, workers compensation attorneys at Malman Law can help. Since 1994, our firm has defended the rights of construction employees in Chicago and Northern Illinois.

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Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers Compensation is a form of insurance that protects employees against work-related illness and injury. Businesses are required to have this insurance under state law. Workers compensation insurance can offer payment when an employee sustains an injury while working.

Rather than sue the employer, you can file a claim with your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider. Similar to other intricate bureaucratic systems fulfilling the needs of people, workers compensation law for Illinois comprises vast information, instructions, and guidelines.

This sphere of law can be confusing and complex. For this reason, it is prudent you engage the services of a proficient worker’s compensation lawyer. If you sustain an injury that has a direct association with your job, you may be eligible for workers compensation benefits.

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Types of Workers’ Compensation Injuries

Sustaining an injury or developing an illness is not something people think about and plan for. However, when you sustain a work-related illness or injury, it suddenly becomes essential to equip yourself with as much information and as many facts as possible.

Your insurance carrier may claim that you are liable and therefore lack a case upon learning about your injury. They may also claim that you are not entitled to benefits since you made an error while performing your duties.

These assertions may or may not be accurate, and you will need the advice of a legal expert to determine which arguments are legitimate.

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Types of Workers We Represent

Malman Law has served the greater Chicago metropolitan area since 1994. During that time, we have handled virtually every imaginable type of case and have proudly registered a success rate of 95%.

We are zealous about fighting for injured workers’ rights. Consequently, we have attorneys who are committed to helping clients seek justice for unfortunate injuries, accidents, and illnesses. Our Illinois workers compensation attorneys work tirelessly for you and are not afraid to pursue your deserved compensation.

Our workers compensation experts always do their best to secure an out-of-court settlement. However, if this seems impossible, we will not hesitate to take your case to court. Initially when you schedule a meeting with our injury and accident attorneys, we offer a no-obligation case evaluation at no cost.

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When seeking medical care, you trust your medical provider to apply his or her skills responsibly to deliver premium care. However, healthcare providers at times fail to meet this expectation. This is when you need an experienced Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer by your side fighting for your rights.

Although there is the implementation of routines and procedures, medical providers still fail to act in accordance with their specified policies. The list of imaginable medical malpractice circumstances is endless.

Malpractice occurs when physicians offer a misdiagnosis or overlook symptoms of harmful or fatal conditions. Other cases of malpractice involve the delay or interruption of treatment by insurance firms and hospital administrators. Our proven and trusted Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys can help you through this difficult time and get you the compensation you deserve.

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Birth Injury

In this era of high-tech medicine, it’s difficult to even imagine: an infant coming into the world with a birth injury. Research shows that about 7 out of every 1000 babies born in the United States suffer a disease or injury resulting from medical negligence or carelessness.

These injuries may include broken bones, brain damage, cerebral palsy, Erb’s (brachial) palsy, and other life-altering physical conditions that might have been prevented. Such injuries can have a severe and long-term impact on a young child, parents and other loved ones. If you suspect your child may have suffered a birth injury it is vital that you contact our experienced and compassionate Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss what happened. We are here to help.

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Cerebral Palsy

A life-long nervous system condition, Cerebral Palsy strikes in children, unborn babies or infants. Symptoms can range from minor to severe. This tragic disease makes muscle coordination and movement extremely difficult, resulting coordination difficulties, such as ataxia (failure to perform controlled movements because of inadequate muscle coordination), spasticity (over-active reflexes and tight or stiff muscles), a bent walk, the dragging of one leg or foot while walking, walking on tiptoes, and inconsistent muscle tone.

Although conditions can improve with time, there is no cure for Cerebral Palsy. Of course, this is a traumatic and overwhelming experience for a child. Some infants and children are born with the condition; however, there are the few but significant cases where Cerebral Palsy is directly brought on by a medical error. It can be the fault of the doctor or another delivery team member during the birth process.

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In a disturbing report, The American Cancer Society found that nearly 1,640,000 Americans were diagnosed with cancer in 2011. Additionally, about half of all American males, and one third of all American females will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. While these statistics are shocking, what is even more devastating is that many of these cases will fall victim of misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis or failure to diagnose.

We trust physicians, nurses, dentists, technicians and other medical professionals with our health, our safety and our lives. Unfortunately, a work-related mistake can mean the difference between life and death for the patient.

That’s why it’s so important that medical professionals take all the necessary steps to diagnose cancer and other life-threating illnesses in a timely manner. If you know someone (maybe even yourself) who has been a victim of misdiagnosis, it makes sense to seek help from our team of medical malpractice attorneys.

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Surgical Errors

Surgeons are considerably trained and highly paid medical professionals. We expect them to do their jobs flawlessly every time. Nevertheless, surgeons don’t always meet our expectations. Of course, there is an amount of risk involved in every surgical procedure. When patients undergo surgery, they are usually asked to sign a waiver of liability. But that contract is breached when the patient is harmed due to neglect on the part of the surgeon or supporting staff.

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Brain Injuries

Sometimes called the “silent epidemic” or “invisible injury”, brain injures are life-altering, traumatic occurrences. What’s more, they are often undetectable to the causal observer, and at times, even to the victim.

In the medical field, understanding the brain is still a large challenge. Even medical professionals with years of experience and training are often forced to resort to trial and error and guesswork. While that fact remains, medical professionals who treat brain injuries are still held to same standards of quality. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury that directly resulted from the mistake of a doctor, nurse, technician or other medical professional, the personal injury attorneys at Malman Law in Chicago, IL can help.

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Obstetrical & Gynecological Malpractice

Obstetricians and gynecologists are trusted with women’s reproductive health, as well as the health and safety of unborn children. From conception through delivery, OBGYNs are expected to provide quality medical care and preventative treatment to both mother and baby.

Did your OBGYN practitioner fail to meet acceptable standards of care? Did you undergo an operation or procedure that was later found to be unnecessary? Was your disease or condition not diagnosed and treated within a reasonable time frame? If you have experienced a situation where you did not receive the proper care, leading to injury or illness, it makes sense to speak to one of our qualified medical malpractice lawyers. We care about you, your quality of life, and that of your child. We have been fighting for the rights of the injured since 1994, and we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

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Plastic Surgery Error

Plastic or cosmetic surgery is an investment in one’s personal appearance, and in many cases, it is a positive experience that enhances self-image. In the past decade or so, the cosmetic surgery industry has exploded. Since it’s an “elective” or non-medically necessary procedure, many plastic surgeons offer their services through commercial advertisements. Procedures have come a long way since the early days, and many new treatments have been developed – treatments that can be preformed by individuals without proper training or credentials. Because of this, cosmetic surgery is one of the most common areas for medical malpractice.

Each year, millions of Americans undergo a cosmetic procedure. It can be non-invasive like Botox and laser skin rejuvenation, or a complicated surgical procedure like breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty or tummy tucks. While many procedures are successful, there are the few but significant cases that result in serious health problems.

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Medication Errors

In many cases, administering the wrong medication can literally mean the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, we at Malman Law are no strangers to this terrible form of medical malpractice.

هل تعلم أن خطأ الدواء يشكل ما يقرب من ربع جميع حالات سوء الممارسة الطبية؟ يمكن أن يعني هذا الفشل في إعطاء الدواء ، أو الدواء غير الصحيح ، أو الإفراط في تناول الدواء أو عدم كفاية ، أو الانتظار طويلاً لإعطاء الدواء. الممرضات عادة ما يكونون من المهنيين الطبيين المسؤولين عن أخطاء الدواء - وبالتالي هم المسؤولون عن سوء الممارسة الطبية. ولكن يمكن محاسبة الصيادلة والأطباء والفنيين وأي عامل رعاية صحية يقوم بتوزيع الأدوية.

اقرأ أكثر جدولة مراجعة الحالة المجانية

نتائج القضية

وقد عالج محامي الإصابات ستيفن ج. مالمان شخصيًا أكثر من 25000 حالة بنجاح ، وجمع مئات الملايين من الدولارات لعملائه. شركتنا لديها سجل ممتاز في الحصول عليها

عرض المزيد من النتائج

فريق مع خبرة و الرؤى

ستيفن جيه. مالمان

شريك مؤسس

"لقد كرست حياتي لمساعدة الضحايا المصابين في الحصول على أقصى تعويض"

- ستيفن جيه. مالمان

يتمتع المحامي المؤسس لشركة Malman Law Steven Malman بخبرة تزيد عن 25 عامًا في التعامل مع الإصابات الشخصية ، ودار رعاية المسنين ، وسوء الممارسة الطبية ، ومسؤولية المباني ، وقضايا البناء ، وتعويضات العمال. وهو أحد سلطات شيكاغو الرائدة في قانون الإصابات الشخصية وقد اهتم بشكل خاص بالدفاع عن المسنين من الإهمال وإساءة المعاملة.
عرض ملف تعريف المحامي
Wistia فيديو مصغر
  • إنها منطقة مفيدة للغاية وعندما يتعلق الأمر بإنجاز الأمور في قضيتك ، كان من دواعي سروري العمل مع Jason Kellerman ، لقد كان رائعًا ، أوصي بها بشدة.

    ويفر البريطاني ضحية إصابة شخصية

  • يسعدني جدًا أن أوصي أصدقائي وأقاربي بـ Malman Law! يجب أن أذكر مدى الكفاءة والمهنية في التعامل مع حالتي ...

    شيريل واجيمان

  • لقد كنت أعرف عن شركة المحاماة هذه لسنوات عديدة من خلال الأصدقاء والإحالات والإعلانات ، ولم أعتقد أبدًا أنني سأحتاج إلى خدماتهم ، لأنني ...

    Elvira G.

  • جريج لامورينا محام لطيف وذكي ويعمل بجد. هو دائما يبقيني على علم ويستجيب بسرعة لرسائل البريد الإلكتروني والمكالمات الهاتفية. أنا أثق به تمامًا و ...

    توني س.

  • لقد كانت خلفي نصف شاحنة في طريقي إلى العمل. تم نقلي إلى المستشفى وكانت سيارتي بالكامل. في أعقاب ذلك ، دان بيتريتش وآنا شميت من Malman ...

    توني س.

  • السابق
  • التالى
لماذا يستأجر قانون مالمان

فريق محامي شيكاغو للإصابة الشخصية؟

خبرة واسعة

منذ عام 1994 ، ساعد محامونا الإصابات الشخصية في إلينوي أكثر من 25000 من المدعين. لقد عالجنا عمليا كل نوع من أنواع الإصابات الشخصية وحالات شركات العمال الموجودة ، ومعرفتنا لقانون الإصابات واسعة وكاملة.


لقد ربح محامونا المتخصصون في الإصابات الشخصية وشركات عمالنا في شيكاغو ملايين الدولارات للعملاء على مر السنين ، بما في ذلك القضايا التي تحمل تسويات ستة وسبعة وثمانية.

التركيز على العميل

نهجنا ، على الرغم من أنه نظامي ، لا يكون أبدًا "قطع ملفات تعريف الارتباط" أو نفس الشيء لكل عميل. كل حالة نتعامل معها في إلينوي ، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت الإصابة أو شركات العمال ، مختلفة. تتطلب قضيتك الكثير من الاهتمام والتركيز ، ويستمع محامونا إلى رغباتك واحتياجاتك.


أسئلة مكررة

إجابات على بعض الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعًا حول الإصابات الشخصية التي يتم طرحها علينا.
اسأل محامينا

If you drive a vehicle for work, you may be concerned about the potential of being involved n an accident while on the job. While some accidents are unavoidable, there are a few things you can do while driving a commercial vehicle that will lower your chances of getting into an accident. Learn to recognize certain driving situations that can be dangerous, such as merging onto and off of expressways. Assume that other drivers will make mistakes in their driving so you can anticipate what to do. It’s also important to feel very comfortable with the vehicle you’re driving so that you can anticipate how it will handle in traffic and other situations.

Remember not to text or talk on the phone while you’re behind the wheel, as this can distract you from things going on in traffic (and in many municipalities, is illegal). Always remain alert when you’re using a commercial vehicle, and give yourself extra time and space to stop suddenly. Make sure the company regularly maintains their vehicles, as well, to avoid having to deal with accidents caused by faulty mechanics.

Can an Illinois personal injury lawyer help you get money for an accident that happened months or even years ago? What if you got hurt at work? Is it too late to file a workers’ compensation claim in Illinois?

Although Illinois law does stipulate that claims must be filed within a certain amount of time – known as the statute of limitations – you may still have a case. But if that time limit lapses, you may be out of legal options – even if the damage you suffered was real, significant, and can be clearly traced to another party’s negligence, carelessness, or aggression.

We at Malman Law can talk to you today – right now – to determine whether you have a case; and, if so, how much time you have left to file a claim. For most injury victims, time is indeed of the essence. Insurance companies immediately get to work after accidents, fortifying themselves against having to pay out settlements. The longer you wait to file a claim or seek benefits, the more difficult it can be to assemble evidence to support your claim (i.e. photographs of the accident scene, names and addresses of eyewitnesses, etc.) Your memory of events may grow foggier, and it can become more difficult to prove that your injuries stemmed specifically from your accident.

While it would be nearly impossible to collect a truly accurate number for how many personal injury cases are filed each year in the U.S., a rough estimate has been projected at about 700,000. That’s a lot of injuries—some of which surely could have been prevented. The types of personal injury lawsuits run the gamut from slip and fall accidents and construction accidents to dog bites and wrongful death suits, to product liability and civil rights violation cases.

If you have a personal injury case you need help with, talking with an attorney is the best route to go. Contact the aggressive personal injury attorneys of Malman Law today!

As practicing Chicago personal injury attorneys for almost 25 years, we at Malman Law are often asked “how long will my case take?”

Unfortunately, outside of the context of your case, we can’t make accurate predictions. Some matters resolve in a few short months. Other cases – particularly complex matters that require lots of litigation and ultimately go to trial – can stretch on for years.

Fortunately, our personal injury and workers’ compensation lawyers in Chicago have built a streamlined system to obtain maximum compensation in the shortest amount of time. Our attorneys boast over 40 years of combined litigation experience, and we pride ourselves on excellent customer service.

Injury clients often feel anxiety because of uncertainty. If you don’t know if or when you will collect money, the disconnect between what you have and what you might have causes psychological strain. When the duration of that uncertainty itself is uncertain, that strain can evolve into profound anxiety. This is true for all people, injured or not. So on top of these feelings, injured clients must also contend with financial stresses (such as lost wages), rehabilitation (which can be time consuming and physically taxing), and emotional trauma.

To counter these stresses and strains, our Il personal injury lawyers will be there for you every step of the way. From your initial consultation – which is free, confidential, and no obligation – through the investigation of your claim and onto settlement hearings or trial (if need be) – we’ll answer your questions, explain our strategies and tactics in clear terms, and keep you in the loop.

Workers’ compensation benefits will vary from person to person, injury to injury. For example, some people may receive medical bill compensation, while others may need more complicated forms of compensation, such as disability benefits, which are calculated by taking an average of the person’s wages and paying out a percentage of that.

من حيث المدة التي يمكن للفرد أن يحصل فيها على تعويضات العمال ، مرة أخرى ، هذا يعتمد على الإصابة. إذا فقدت القدرة على استخدام جزء معين من الجسم ، فإن مقدار الوقت الذي تكون مؤهلاً فيه للحصول على مزايا تعويض العمال يختلف من جزء إلى آخر.

بالنسبة للإصابات البسيطة التي لا تؤدي إلى إعاقات مؤقتة أو دائمة ، فإن مزايا تعويضات العمال ستشمل عادة دفع أجر للعامل المفقود وتعويضه عن التكاليف الطبية.

عرض جميع الأسئلة الشائعة

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عرض المزيد من الأخبار

ما يستحق قضيتك؟ إرسال لمراجعة حالة مجانية

جميع المجالات مطلوبة

منذ عامين ، كنت متورطًا في حادث شاحنة نقلت فيه شاحنة ذات 14 عجلة والتي كادت تعطلني مدى الحياة. حارب ستيف للتأكد من أنني تلقيت أكبر قدر ممكن من التعويض عن إصاباتي. كنت على وشك أخذ عرض شركة lowball لشركة التأمين ، لكنني قررت الاتصال بـ Steve أولاً - كان هذا أفضل قرار اتخذته حتى الآن

نوح تافلضحية إصابة شخصية

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